he was admitted to the Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun on the 12th November when my Mak Uda (his grandma) saw there were blood in his urine..the blood went on for the next few days..he was put into observation and was then brought to HKL on the 19th November..the doctor confirmed there was o tumor on one of his kidney and needs to be removed..
he went into the operation room at 9.00 a.m and was out at about 3.15 pm..the doctors said his kidney was totally damaged by the tumor and the whole kidney needs to be removed..he is now left with one kidney..
please pray for the best of his health..cayang nephew mak long..
nisya itu anak atan kan. Dia still kat icu lagi ker ?
ha'ah..hari ni kat icu lagi rasanya..
kak bot gi la tgk..kat HKL..
insyaallah, apapun akak doakan agar mamat kembali sihat. Amin....
aku doakan mamat segera sembuh .. amcam dgn operation die.. sukses tsk ..
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